Microsoft Dynamics
How to connect Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM using Zapier
Zapier is a powerful integration platform that seamlessly connects thousands of tools with each other, including Cascade!
All you need to get started is a Cascade Premium or Enterprise subscription and a Zapier account.
Microsoft Dynamics
Cascade Action
Microsoft Dynamics
How does the integration work?
Using Zapier, Cascade allows you to update several important pieces of information from any app avalible on Zapier, such as:
- Update Action Current Progress
- Update Measure Current Value
- Update Measure Historical Value
Note: Cascade’s Zapier integration is currently in Beta. We are actively working on adding new Capabilities, Triggers and Actions. Stay tuned for more soon!
What is
Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics is built for any device, anywhere. Built for you. For Dynamics Version 9 and Dynamics 365.
Ready to get started with Zapier?
If you already have a Cascade Premium or Enterprise subscription and you’re ready to get creative, you get started now with Zapier!