Export Report Elements to CSV

Bec Lee
Customer Education Manager


Hey there. In this video, I wanna show you how to use one of Cascade's latest reporting features, the export to CSV function.

Now this function is available on both charts and tables, but for the sake of this video, we're gonna take a look at this table here. So as you can see, if I hover over the table itself, I'll get this three dot menu in the top corner. I go ahead and click that, I'll have the option to export CSV.

I can go ahead and select the option that's going to generate and download that CSV file. And I'll be left with something like this. So as you can see here, it's going to pull out all those columns in the table I've selected, including all that data, and then I can go ahead and manipulate or report on this in another format if I need to. And that's about it for using the export to CSV report function.

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