In this video, I am thrilled to introduce a new feature called custom update templates. These templates allow you to create specific fields to collect information from your teams, ensuring consistency in communication. I will guide you through the process of setting up a new custom update template, including selecting the entities and teams that can use it. By the end, you will be able to configure custom updates for objectives, projects, and teams, enhancing communication and collaboration within your work.
Hello there. In this video, I am very excited to share with you a new feature called custom update templates.
This is a brand new feature that will allow you to create custom templates to provide to your teams to add updates. So that can be updates on specific goals or team level updates that will appear on the team's page. What we can do with these custom templates is create certain fields to collect certain pieces of information from your teams whenever they leave updates on those particular categories, whether it's at the team level or an individual goal level. And this will allow you to have consistency between the context and communication that you collect on these updates.
So to set up a new custom update template, we'll first want to come to the admin menu. Keep in mind you'll only be able to configure these if you do have admin permissions.
From the admin menu, we'll wanna pop over to this update templates tab. As you can see, I've got a couple already set here, but in order to create a new one, we'll pop into this create new template menu, which will populate the options accordingly. We'll have a couple different things we'll wanna set up starting off, including the template name. So we'll just call this one new update The next thing you want to do is select where we'll apply this temp template. So what entities we are going to be able to use this template for? So that can be an objective measure, action project, or team. So let's say for this one, we want to apply it to objectives.
The next thing we can refine here is selecting which types or teams can use this update. So the type will dictate what type of objective will actually be able to use this update. So for this case, let's say, maybe strategic, and operational types of objectives. We'll be able to use this custom template.
We can also select teams that'll be permitted to use this template. So let's say we want our operate and leadership team accordingly to be able to use the template as well.
From here, what we can do is go ahead and add a rich text section we can both label and sub label these. So let's say we want this to be a monthly update template. We'll say monthly wins.
And then the sub label, we could say list your wins of the month here.
As you can see on the side, we'll get a preview of the what this template will look like. So I've got that label and sub label. I can also mark the fields required or not required if needed.
I'll go ahead and add go ahead and add an additional section here where I can add another label. Let's say maybe just monthly losses to get around without.
List your losses of the month here.
And from there, I can actually rearrange if needed depending on where I want these to sit on the template itself.
And once I create and configure the template as needed, I can go ahead and save that. I can go ahead and also check this box to enable template on save. So after I check this box, it will apply to the objectives of the certain types and teams that I have dictated here. Or I can uncheck the box, just save the template and not make it live on any of these, entities yet. So for this case, I'll go ahead and enable, save the template.
And now whenever I am opening up an objective that is strategic or operational type, I'll see the option for this particular update.
And that is how to configure those custom updates on to different particular entities in my workspace and then use them accordingly.